STOP stressing about sleep,
know what's STOPPING you
& know the steps toward
sleep success
In this 3 day intensive sleep support network you will:
Create your own customized plan toward sleep success.
Know what could be in the way of your sleep success.
Learn my 8 steps to sleep success.

Create your own plan toward sleep success!
Know what could be in your way!
Learn my 8 steps to sleep success!
Take the first steps toward becoming the powerful, loving parent you know you truly are.
What's in it for me?
During this live intensive, you will finally gain some clarity around what could be behind your families sleep struggles. By overcoming limiting beliefs, you will know what's really in your way & I will show you the steps to take to change your sleep story for the better!
How does it work?
Live sessions with me on zoom, plus a private group on telegram for the intensives members for all the support & communication you may need.
Over the 3 days I will show you:
What's in your way
What to do about it
How to build a successful plan toward better sleep & less stress for you & your family.
Who's it for?
Parents of children who are stressing about sleep, fighting for naps, strugglinig with long bedtimes or sleepless nights.
If you are overrun with anxiety around how much sleep your child needs & whether there is something underlying that could be sabotaging sleep.
If this sounds like you, ask yourself; are you ready to get curious, STOP stressing about sleep & overcome your struggles to become the parent you want to be?
If the answer is YES, then my 3 day intensive is for you.
Jillian, Mom to 4 year old & 20 month old
I really can't thank you enough Patrice for your support which has been 100%. We've learned so much and are much more confident and family life at bedtime is so much happier, not just with ***** but ****** too.
Having experience of 'sleep training' in the past, your gentle approach is truly responsive parenting and I'm so grateful to you for sharing all your knowledge.
Nikki, Mom to 9 month old
I was an exhausted, anxious mum feeling so frustrated and weighed down by the failed nap schedules and multiple night wakings. I knew I wouldn't be able for the crying out element of sleep training and ultimately it went against my instincts, so I felt there was no way forward, until I found gentle little sleepers.
I went from feeling like a failure to realising how much I did know about my little girl and reinforcing that instinctive connection that I had almost lost.
Lorraine, Mom to 14 month old
I would highly recommend Patrice to any parent who is having difficulty with their baby’s sleep. Our little boy (now 14 months) used to be hyperactive at night and wouldn’t settle easily. Patrice was a huge help and following her support and advice, He now has a nap schedule that works really well and he settles asleep happily at nighttime. Patrice is very knowledgeable about child sleep. She is lovely, caring, genuine and very supportive. Thank you Patrice for all your help and support!
I will help you discover what's really stopping your family sleeping at night
& give you ways toward sleep success, without cry it out, cry alone,
pick up/put down or any other unresponsive techniques many sleep trainers use
Stop stressing about sleep, take action by knowing what's in your way,
make a plan toward your goals & have reliable support to back it up!

Are you ready to put your sleep struggles behind you?
Is it really possible to have young children & feel rested, connected & thriving as a parent?
The answer is YES!
I thought I knew it all, 15 years working with children, parenting would be easy, right? After becoming a Mom, my confidence was deflated, I felt confused, exhausted, trapped, disconnected & ultimately felt like a fraud! I really felt like I knew nothing!
I read books, joined apps, followed pages, asked family & friends but no one really helped me see what the real problems were.
The sleep industry is so full of misleading advice & parent scaremongering, you must teach them to sleep or you will be sleep deprived forever & they will be damaged! NOT TRUE!
Then I found Lyndsey Hookway & the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program where I saw a knew light in infant & child sleep, taking it back to instict in meeting children & parents where they're at & giving them the truth, being authentic & supporting connection & human well being, longterm!
Our childrens trust is built & fostered by an emotional bond, dependant on the responses of their parents & caregivers...
A responsive approach to sleep & child behaviour is the pathway to your child's life success, their confidence in themselves & the relationships they experience in their lives.
If you stand for breaking patterns of generational trauma, behaviourism & ultimately improving human health & well being, then you're in the right place.
Here at Gentle Little Sleepers, we see the world from your child's eyes, holding yours & their feelings at the forefront, helping you meet them where they're at in sleep, in life, in behaviour!
The Child Parent Hub
Bedtime Battles to Sweet Slumbers
8 steps to sleep success covered over 3 days!
for only €40 (Value €200)
Limited numbers so save your spot!
I will show you simple steps to build your own,
easy to follow, customized sleep plan!
We will highlight any problems that may be in your way & how you can help you & your child & you toward better sleep.
I will guide you through a sleep assesment of where your family is, what could be in your way & my
8 steps to sleep success!
You will walk away feeling more confident as a parent,
learning how to find the route cause, how sleep
actually works & how to make respectful
& responsive changes to improve
you & your children's sleep today!
So you can change your sleep story without using
CRY IT OUT or modified versons, gained from 20 years working with children & families.
Join me on January 5th to 7th, 2022.
What's included?
2 x sleep support recordings
2 Live group sessions with Q & A for participants.
Your own sleep plan to fill & build with Patrice's guidance.
Private group with access to support for the 3 days.
Lifetime access to our Parent Hub group with support from Patrice, being part of a community with other parents sharing similar values.